Tuesday 8 November 2011

Week 7 - Unproductive?

Another week, another potential opportunity to drill down some ideas for our game. We spent the morning bantering ideas around and expanding on ideas originally explored and even wrote off some ideas that we felt were no longer required.

The lecture itself on monday lasted a whopping 15 minutes so that gave us a lot of time to get stuck into the thick of it, we tended to digress a bit from the task in hand but managed to punch out  more of a solid 'backstory' to the game and give it a bit more 'meat. I showed the backstory of the scientist world to the other guys and got some feedback to amend some things and improve on it so a finalised version of it could be produced. Bryan took the map of the game world away to work on, and will have a map of the world to look at by next week, Tom took away the feedback of the concept pictures he drew up, with a view to draw them in a bit more detail. I proceeded with my assigned tasks for the game design document and will update more information as it becomes available.

Unproductive? In sheer scope of the work achieved on the day there wasn't much done physically but we took away a lot of ideas to work on and write up more of the game we are creating.

Untill next time...

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