Tuesday 18 October 2011

Week 4 - Man down!

We were a team member missing this week which left Tom and I holding the fort so to speak. We decided to take a risk and create a bit more of a backstory to the intro of our game to answer a few unanswered questions that I felt were existing. After hashing out ideas and scenarios to explain why our main character was looking to escape from reality, we put down a final scenario that we thought was rather good.

However things are never that easy and after sending our proposed back story to our absent member, he felt that it was unnecessary for the type of game genre we were pursuing.

After much debate we agreed to sideline the idea and pursue a more open sandbox approach. A 'choose your own adventure' so to speak. We are however developing back stories for characters inside somnium - the dream pod machine that will make up our 4 players who are 4 individuals experiencing somnium at the same time.

Watch this space...

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