Tuesday 27 September 2011

Computer games design - week 1

So I had my first lecture on computer games design today which seems to take an in-depth look at what actually goes into a game, and the thought behind it. Having touched on the design aspect while I was studying my HNC back in college, I knew to an extent, the level of research, brainstorming and discussions that would need to be done in order to achieve great results. The way our lecturer, Jim Scullion, put it was: 'What you put in, will be what you get out'.

In other words, if you slack off and skive, or only do the minimal amount of work required, then the resultant grade will only be a moderate mark. This was to be expected of course, and after a brief decision on who our group consisted of, we set out to talk about our idea for our game design document, and pitch.

After lots of great ideas, fielded by Bryan Watson, Tom Beattie and Myself added our input, resulting in us managing to drill down a couple of solid ideas for the basis of our subject game. We agreed on a top down RPG adventure game as the basis for our game design document, and in the coming weeks, work towards getting a lot of the specifics worked out so that we have a solid document that we can pitch.

Watch this space..

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